︎20202020 will mark the year that broader society was forced to engage with big, uncomfortable topics and question inherent behaviours and biases relating to how humans interact with each other. In the attempt to do what is ‘right’ or what is ‘true’, learned beliefs are challenged and often destabilised. Within these lessons, there is an important step - unlearning. Although it may seem counterintuitive and unstructured, unlearning is what prevents stagnation. By reflecting on his journey of learning to dance, Feras critically examines the influential moments that shaped his understanding of dance. In operating under a post-structuralist framework, Feras places high value on the process of ‘unlearning’ as a tool to enrich his dance practice. The belief being, no learning experience is complete without accepting some elements need to be unlearned.

Directed : Feras Shaheen///
In collaboration with Dechen Gendun (choreography), Warren Abela "wazabeatz" (music), Caitlin Lawler (text)
Dramaturgy : Nick Power

& Fiona Winning
This short work was commisioned by Intimate Spectacle for Out of Iso: Next Level, A New Realm of Hip Hop Curated by Nick Power.