︎2021In changing a concept's original context, does it retain its initial intention or has it morphed into something else entirely?
What is the deciding factor? Who and what controls this decision? Where does the audience fit into this transformation? How do we find joy in something new when we have become accustomed to a singular form? How far do we look back into our own past to make sense of newness in the present?
Find the joy in freedom.

: Feras Shaheen///
In collaboration with the dancers : Yuming LI,
Neven Connolly,
Samuel Free
Original Music : by DOBBY/// In collaboration with Feras Shaheen///
Mastering Engineer : Chris Ramirez
Outside Eye : Nick Power///
Set Design & Styling : Feras Shaheen
This work was part of the inaugural TEC award, an initiative from The Australian Ballet and its Principal Partner Telstra. Feras Shaheen was announced as the winner of the inaugural TEC award in 2021.