Complex Interplay


In Complex Interplay, Feras draws from his work as a performer and choreographer to invite audiences to move through the 1-acre Penrith Regional Gallery site in new ways. Through playful interventions, Feras encourages an exploration of the in-between spaces, which exist between or around the primary areas of the exhibition spaces and cafe. Ofte overlooked, these in-between spaces can hold hidden significance that goes unnoticed in our daily patterns.

Taste in music, taste in fashion, taste in furniture, taste in colours… taste is what forms our individuality and informs our decisions. Our taste is often shaped by a complex interplay of factors. These include our personal experiences, cultural background, and social environment. It’s common to overlook the profound impact that context and limitation can have on these choices.

Through sculptural interventions that inhabit designated spaces throughout the gallery site, I encourage you to rethink how you navigate the in-between spaces and negotiate restrictions. Your invitation as a visitor is to be compelled to venture down the less familiar route allowing for new movements, viewpoints, and spatial relationships. The sculptural interventions direct us to examine our own preferences, decisions, and position as we move through space.

Look around you… these are suggestions and not instructions. When you reach each sculpture, ask yourself: what are the restrictions, where am I, and what are my choices… then go.

9 September – 10 December 2023
‘Show me the way’ at
Penrith Regional Gallery

Conceptualised/Designed/Activated : Feras Shaheen///
Managed By : Penrith Regional Gallery

Photography by Maja Baska
Complex Interplay was the first iteration of Penrith Regional Gallery’s program titled ‘Show me the way’. Show me the way is a new initiative that brings together artists, designers, and educators to develop artworks that respond to and allow deeper understanding of the social history of the Gallery and its surrounds. These commissioned artworks will be acquired by Penrith Regional Gallery and have an ongoing place as artistic resources for school groups and visitors to explore the Gallery.